Google Digital Garage Exam Answers 2019

Google Digital Unlocked - Get certified in the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing -Google Digital Garage Exam Answers 2019 

Take a business online
Question 1
What's the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online?
·         A. Planning a budget
·         B. Developing a plan
·         C. Optimizing a website
·         D. Defining a customer base
Question 2
How can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website?
·         A. It will show you where your audience comes from
·         B. It will list which pages your audience does not like
·         C. It will show where your customers go after they've left your site
·         D. It will show you why your audience visits your site
Question 3
Website hosting servers have their own unique IP address, what does this address consist of?
·         A. Numbers and letters
·         B. Numbers
·         C. Letters
·         D. Letters and symbols
Question 4
When designing content as part of your content marketing strategy, what does the "Think" stage represent in the "See, Think, Do, Care" framework?
·         A. The consideration phase, when customers start to research potential products to buy
·         B. The finance stage, when customers think about their budgets
·         C. The action stage, the moment when customers commit and purchase your product
·         D. The sharing stage, when customers share images and feedback on your products
Question 5
Which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy?
·         A. Understand the target audience
·         B. Change your mission statement to match the goals
·         C. Create goals and identify a USP
·         D. Define and segment your audiences

Make it easy for people to find a business on the web
Question 6
Fill the blank: 'Search engines _________ the internet to discover content.'
·         A. Index
·         B. crawl
·         C. investigate
·         D. rank
Question 7
Google Search Console “Crawl” reports let you monitor...?
·         A. If potential customers can access your web pages
·         B. If Google can view your web pages
·         C. How people interact with your website
·         D. What information Google records about your site
Question 8
When ranking websites on search engine results pages, which element of a website do search engines value the most?
·         A. How long the content on the page is
·         B. If you mention keywords over 50 times in a short piece of content
·         C. Unique, engaging, relevant content
·         D. Where you are in the world when adding content to your site
Question 9
When optimising a website for search, what impact do meta and title tags have on the search engine?
·         A. They are hidden messages that have no bearing on search engines
·         B. They are the on-page content that appears on your homepage, telling search engines what you do
·         C. They are automatically generated and help websites rank within search engines
·         D. They are embedded messages that help the search engine determine what’s on the page
Question 10
A lot of factors can affect how well a website will rank on search engines. What role does metadata have in this process?
·         A. Helps your website stand out from the competition
·         B. Allows you to input lots of keywords so that you appear for all of them
·         C. Provides search engines with more consistent and clear information about what's on the website
·         D. Allows you to place sales promotion offers within the search results
Question 11
Fill the blank: When managing SEM campaigns, the best way to optimise your quality score is to improve the _________ of your keywords, adverts, and landing pages.
·         A. relevance
·         B. conversion
·         C.clicks
·         D. importance
Question 12
Which of the following will be achieved by including an offer in a Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ad?
·         A. It will help the ad stand out and encourage people to click it
·         B. It will guarantee the ad appears at the top of the search results
·         C. It will increase the amount of users across your entire website
·         D. It can increase the quality score of your ad
Question 13
What can you achieve if you divide your search engine marketing account into relevant campaigns and ad groups?
·         A. Drive more traffic to your website
·         B. Target more people in different areas of the world
·         C. Ensure people see relevant ads that relate to their search query
·         D. Stop using negative keywords
Question 14
When fine-tuning paid search ads, you change a broad-match keyword to a phrase-match keyword using which symbol?
·         A. Quotation marks
·         B. Apostrophes
·         C. Italics
·         D. Square brackets
Reach more people locally, on social media or on mobile
Question 15
Local directories are a great tool for getting noticed locally online. What would be the first step in using a directory?
·         A. Research competitors
·         B.Create a listing
·         C. Create an ad
·         D. Post a link
Question 16
What are the benefits of using social media when looking to advertise your business locally?
·         A. People trust local businesses on social media
·         B. You can target ads to a specific local audience
·         C. You can make video ads promoting the area
·         D. People use social media more than they use search engines
Question 17
Using social media for business purposes can be very different to running personal profiles. If you're looking to attract people to your social network, what tone of voice should you consider?
·         A. Stern & Serious
·         B. Serious & Honest
·         C. Fun & Inviting
·         D. Engaging & Inviting
Question 18
When looking to promote a business on social media, what is a good way to grow your social media following or engagement quickly?
·         A. Paid advertising
·         B. Pay for followers
·         C. Follow all of your competitors' followers
·         D. Overuse hashtags
Question 19
When it comes to mobile, how would you define usability?
·         A. The visitor's time navigating your site
·         B. The visitor's experience on your site
·         C. The visitor's general time on your site
·         D. The vistior's purpose when on your site
Question 20
Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn't what?
·         A. Optimised for different devices
·         B. Visually engaging
·         C. Full of relevant information
·         D. Text heavy
Question 21
How would you classify the content distribution channel that uses influencer and outreach marketing to increase a brand's reach?
·         A. Paid
·         B. Owned
·         C. Earned
·         D. Published
Reach more customers with advertising
Question 22
When it comes to email marketing, what do we mean by the term A/B testing?
·         A. A/B testing means you can split your contacts alphabetically
·         B. A/B testing means you send the same email twice to the same people
·         C. A/B testing means splitting your audience and sending each of them a different variation of your email
·         D. A/B testing means it is spell checked and proofed, prior to hitting send
Question 23
Which form of targeting would you use to display ads to people who have previously visited your website?
·         A. Search advertising
·         B. Reacquiring
·         C. Readvertising
·         D. Retargeting
Question 24
When advertisers run online ads that typically include an image for people to click on, it's called...
·         A.Search Engine Optimisation
·         B. Banner advertising
·         C. Display advertising
·         D. Webpage advertising
Question 25
Which of the following is the most accurate analogy for a display advertising network?
·         A. A targeting option for advertisers
·         B. A marketplace between online publishers and advertisers
·         C. A payments system for online ad campaigns
·         D. A targeting option for advertisers
Question 26
Which of the following is a key strategy for distributing your video content?
·         A. Share videos across all of your digital marketing tools
·         Pick one primary place to share your video content
·         C. Trust word-of-mouth to drive traffic to your videos
·         D. Send out a postcard to relevant mailing lists
Question 27
If the analytics for your video campaign shows people are only watching the first few seconds of your video, what can you do to try and amend this?
·         A.Change the colours to be more eye-catching
·         B. Change how much your branding is shown in the video
·         C. Update the description to tell people more about the video
·         D. Delete the video and try again with edited content
Track and measure web traffic
Question 28
In the world of analytics, the time the user spent on your site is considered which type of data?
·         A. Conversion
·         B. Clocking
·         C. Metric
·         D. Dimension
Question 29
When using analytics programmes on your website, which of these do not fall under the category of a metric?
·         A. Browser users use to access your site
·         B. Unique visitors to your site
·         C.Time users spend on your site
·         D. Number of pages viewed per visit
Question 30
How do you handle data in analytics to gain greater insights into our audience's behaviour?
·         A.Partition
·         B. Sample
·         C. Segment
·         D. Extract
Question 31
What do website analytics allow you to do?
·        A. Set up advertising accounts to drive continuous improvement
·        B. Understand users behaviour and improve the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts
·         C. Interact with customers on your website to increase conversion
·         D. Predict your users next move based on previous data
Question 32
Why should you avoid focusing on collecting as much data as possible?
·         A. Vast quantities of data will take a long time to process
·         B. Large amounts of data are harder to store online
·         C. The right information, at the right time, is more valuable
·         D. Spreadsheets have a limit on the amount of information they can store
Question 33
When creating a presentation based on lots of data, what principle should you bear in mind?
·         A. Show all the information available, to give your audience as much context as possible
·         B. Tailor your approach to your audience in order to tell a better story
·         C. Stick to visual graphics only, as everyone will prefer this presentation format over tables and text
·         D. Present all information in the same way because everyone interprets things similarly
Sell products or services online
Question 34
Which of these is not a benefit for businesses using fully integrated e-commerce platforms?
·         A. Stock control
·         B. Integrated invoicing
·         C. The ability to track shipping
·         D. Automated complaints process system
Question 35
When looking to introduce e-commerce functions to your website, which of the following would be the best first step?
·         A. Build an online store with an integrated payment system
·         B. Set up a web-based money transfer software like PayPal
·         C. Invest in a new website platform
·         D. Use other platforms such as eBay or Etsy
Question 36
When trying to increase the product sales on your website, one way to achieve this is to_________?
·         A. send multiple follow up emails once a purchase has been made
· them remarketing ads with a variety of products
·         C. provide the customer with relevant suggested purchases
·         D. include a pop up on your website that they have to action before continuing
Question 37
Analytics can help optimise your website for which of the following?
·         A. For different devices, navigation & search
·         B. For different devices & social media profiles
·         C. For email templates & social media profiles
·         D. For navigation, search & video campaigns
Take a business global
Question 38
Fill in the blank: When considering expanding a business internationally, the best place to start is to__________?
·         A. use online tools to help you understand where there’s a strong demand for your products
·         B.move the whole business to that country
·         C.replicate your current business in as many countries as possible
·         D. buy new domains for the country
Question 39
If you are looking to expand your company's presence online internationally, which of the following should you consider with regards to your online content?
·         A. Translated by an automated tool only
·         B. Translated but also locally adapted for the audience
·         C. Translated into the native language
·         D. Left the same, and not translated
Question 40
Fill the blanks: When advertising internationally, you should make your business ______ to the new market, consider the ___________ and any possible ___________ implications.
·         A. accessible | supply chain | legal
·         B. affordable | supply chain | language
·         C. exciting | customers needs | currency
·         D. affordable | customer needs | legal


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